
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
We're Back! The Return - Podcast Episode #013
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
In episode #013 of the Dragon Ball Insider Podcast Anthony, Ben "TheDragonBaller", and “Uchi” discuss the upcoming conclusion of the "Dragon Ball Super" television series. Clearly being caught off guard in many respects, Anthony, Ben, and Uchi offer insight and opinion on the series' abrupt end. With only a few episodes remaining, be sure to listen as the crew breaks down exactly how this news was brought about, what the future may hold, and among other things, how the upcoming movie in production may have something to do with this!
Our podcast is available VIA iTunes, as well as Podbean. We are currently in the process of making it available VIA Google Play Music, and also on YouTube.
Find us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Google+!

Thursday Jan 14, 2016
Podcast Episode #012
Thursday Jan 14, 2016
Thursday Jan 14, 2016
In episode #012 of the Dragon Ball Insider Podcast Anthony, “Uchi”, and special guest Danny AKA “Geekdom101” from YouTube discuss the animation in Dragon Ball Super. Ever since Dragon Ball Super episode #005, many fans have been picking apart the inconsistencies in the series’ animation, and unfortunately it has become the topic of conversation when discussing the series as a whole. But just what goes into animating an episode? What are the costs, time restrictions, and how much do animators get paid? Is the amount of complaints regarding the animation justifiable? And has animation inconsistency been an issue in the past with Dragon Ball? Be sure to listen as we discuss it all, as well as some other things!

Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Podcast Episode #011
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
In episode #011 of the Dragon Ball Insider Podcast Anthony, Dave "DBEternity" and "Uchi" discuss all things Dragon Ball Super, but more specifically how the "Battle of Gods" arc of Dragon Ball Super compares to the Dragon Ball Z 2013 movie, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. This podcast, unlike the previous 10, is more discussion based rather than news based. Be sure to listen as the crew gives their thoughts and opinions on the series as a whole, as well as their prediction for future episodes/manga chapters. Also, please keep in mind that this episode was recorded prior to the airing of Dragon Ball Super episode #19.

Monday Aug 24, 2015
Podcast Episode #010
Monday Aug 24, 2015
Monday Aug 24, 2015
In episode #010 of the Dragon Ball Insider Podcast Anthony is joined by artist Anthony Cavanagh, more commonly known as A.D.C Art Attack (@adcartattack) from Instagram. Anthony and Anthony discuss all things Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'. Be sure to listen to not only our thoughts, but also hear an interview we conducted with none other than the voice of Goku, Sean Schemmel, at the Resurrection 'F' NYC Red Carpet Premiere! (Just a heads up, the interview was recorded in mono!) This one's a bit longer than the rest, but totally worth the listen. Enjoy!

Saturday Jun 20, 2015
Podcast Episode #009
Saturday Jun 20, 2015
Saturday Jun 20, 2015
In episode #009 of the Dragon Ball Insider Podcast, Anthony is joined by artist Anthony Cavanagh, more commonly known as A.D.C Art Attack (@adcartattack) from Instagram. Anthony and Anthony discuss the latest news regarding the Dragon Ball Z 2015 movie, "Resurrection 'F', and they also discuss and have debates about the new Dragon Ball Television series that's begins on July 5 titled, Dragon Ball Super.

Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
Podcast Episode #008 - Special Live Broadcast
Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
Tuesday Jan 13, 2015
In Episode #008 of the Dragon Ball Insider Podcast, Anthony, "Uchi", and Dave "DBEternity" are live on the radio! This special broadcast was conducted at the East Stroudsburg University Radio Station (90.3 WESS), and was broadcasted live across the NY/NJ Metropolitan Area. Be sure to listen as the crew recaps the previous Episode #007, as well as conducts a special live Q&A, and gives some thought, opinion, and potential outcomes/events that may occur in the 2015 Dragon Ball Z movie, Dragon Ball Z: Revival of "F" (The Revival of Freeza). We apologize in advance for the audio quality of this episode!

Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Podcast Episode #007
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
In episode #007 of the Dragon Ball Insider Podcast, Anthony goes solo and reports on the latest and most critical news and developments in the Dragon Ball world! Be sure to listen as he talks about Dragon Ball: XENOVERSE, Dragon Ball Z Kai's return to Toonami, and the unexpected Revival of Freeza in the newly announced Dragon Ball Z 2015 movie! This short, but informative podcast is a must listen!

Sunday Jun 29, 2014
Podcast Episode #006
Sunday Jun 29, 2014
Sunday Jun 29, 2014
On episode #006 of the Dragon Ball Insider podcast Dave, (DBEternity), and Anthony discuss all of the last news, of which includes the return of Dragon Ball Z Kai to Toonami (in North America), the new Dragon Ball game in development titled "Dragon Ball: XENOVERSE", and the long awaited licensing and english dub of the 2013 Dragon Ball Z movie, Battle of Gods.

Wednesday May 21, 2014
Podcast Episode #005
Wednesday May 21, 2014
Wednesday May 21, 2014
Episode #005 of the Dragon Ball Insider Podcast is finally here! After a short absence, Dave AKA DBEternity, and Ben "TheDragonBaller", discuss the latest Dragon Ball news! Be sure to listen as they discuss Battle of Gods, Interviews, Dragon Ball Minus, and the return of the Majin Buu Arc for Dragon Ball Kai!

Friday Mar 14, 2014
Podcast Episode #004
Friday Mar 14, 2014
Friday Mar 14, 2014
Episode #004 of the Dragon Ball Insider Podcast marks the first appearance of Ben"TheDragonBaller!" Along with Anthony and David, they discuss a few tidbits of news such as Battle of God's upcoming Japanese TV airing and the Kai Boo arc's status, as well as thoughts on the recently-released title "Battle of Z" for PS3/Xbox 360.